PDF Generate in Codeigniter using mPDF

Mahabubur Rahman

Today i will discus about `How to generate PDF in Codeigniter using mPDF`

Step 1. Download mPDF-Codeigniter from 
Step 2. After Downloading extract it. Here is the codeigniter framework with mPDF integrated. You can copy mPDF to your existing project.
  • Copy Pdf.php library from library to your existing project library directory.
  • Copy mpdf directory from third_party directory to your existing project third_party directory.
Step 3. Now open or create a controller class and then create function in it. And then do something as bellow code –
<?php function mypdf() { $this->load->library('pdf'); $pdf = $this->pdf->load(); $html = $this->load->view('welcome_message', null, true); $pdf->WriteHTML($html); // write the HTML into the PDF $output = 'itemreport' . date('Y_m_d_H_i_s') . '_.pdf'; $pdf->Output("$output", 'I'); } ?>
Above first i load the pdf library. Then create a instance of pdf library class. After then get the view page into a variable called html. And finally create the pdf for the view page.
Ok it is done. you can try and enjoy it.

PDF Generate in Codeigniter using DOMPDF

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