The topic is to get all the cookies stored in current domain .We can't get all cookies for security reasons. Browser each domain has a separate cookie.
We will address this issue below:
We know that browser cookie store in document.cookie. So using document.cookie we can get browser domain cookies. Now we will solve this problem by some steps.
- Access cookies using document.cookie.
- Split the cookie string by ';' to get cookie in an array.
- Iterate the array to get each element;
- Append every cookie by key value in a object.
So all step is in the following function -
function getCookies(){
var data = document.cookie.split(";");
var cookies = {};
for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++){
var pair = data[i].split("=");
cookies[(pair[0]+'').trim()] = unescape(pair.slice(1).join('='));
return cookies;
Output: Base on browser cookies you will get some cookie data as bellow -